
LIVE BLOG: The Universities of the UK and Amsterdam

TUESDAY, June 18 2019 - The Myers Briggs Company  I was thrilled to visit the global office of the Myers Briggs Company, located in Oxford. A bit of background… For many years, I have been extremely engaged with the personality and interest assessments of The Myers Briggs Company, learning as much ...

LIVE BLOG: UK Universities

CENTRAL ST MARTINS, UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS Central Saint Martins is one of the six constituent colleges of the University of the Arts London.  UAL is Europe’s largest specialist university for art, design, fashion, communication and the performing arts, and currently educates 14,000 undergraduates (about two-thirds of the total), 2,700 ...

Why Institutional Accreditation Matters To You: Part II

In our recent blog, Part I: Why Specialized Accreditation Matters to You, we explored a variety of national accreditation boards that provide programmatic accreditation for academic programs in the STEM, arts and business fields. This blog discusses the accreditation of the overall institutions of higher education. The United States has ...

Why Specialized Accreditation Matters To You: Part I

Just as you are evaluated for admission to colleges, many academic programs at colleges are themselves subject to scrutiny and approval!  There are a variety of national accreditation boards empowered to perform a peer review of specialized academic programs to ensure that the educational experience meets specified quality levels and ...

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